Wood Abbey is working with landowners across the country to realise the development potential of their land.
Our experience means we are able to effectively promote a range of sites for residential development including urban extensions, Brownfield redevelopment and smaller land parcels on the edge of towns and villages.
For each of our current projects we are promoting the creation of highly desirable residential developments that bring much needed homes to their local area.
To maximise the potential we harness the locational benefits of a site including the access to local services and amenities, landscape character and transport connections.
Some of the projects we are developing:
Red House Farm
We are working to promote the site for residential development in the local plan review.
Our vision is to create a sustainable residential development of 270 homes. The development would form a natural extension to an existing community establishing a green, connected and resilient residential environment.
The scheme will positively contribute to meeting the development needs of the area including for affordable housing. It will support the local area’s drive to achieve Net Zero Carbon and provide adaptation to the effects of climate change. Improvements to the natural environment and landscape can provide more space for nature and improve health and wellbeing of residents. As a well-designed and beautiful development it will create a place where people want to be with quality buildings and public realm.
One of the priorities for the scheme will be the creation of new green routes. These routes will connect communities with the wider countryside and meet local priorities for walking and cycling.
Pedmore Farm
We are promoting the site through the local plan process.
The site presents an opportunity to establish up to 80 new homes in a locally distinctive residential neighbourhood. We are championing a landscape-led sustainable development to enhance the local landscape character with the surrounding context and the existing community.
Our design principles for the site are based on working with the existing mature landscape and topography and delivering new environmental enhancements and natural play features.